Self-Motivation: How To Push Through Bad Days

Self-Motivation: How To Push Through Bad Days

By Max Jancar | Published: June 10, 2024 | 2 Minute Read

As part of The Breakthrough Letter, every week I send out a short email with one idea, one suggestion, and one resource to help you break through your breakup and create a new possibility for love, either with your ex or someone new.

Here’s this week’s edition. Enjoy.

Today’s Idea:

Motivation is merely a byproduct of taking action. Instead of waiting for it to strike, just do something, and it will come.

Ideally, begin with small, manageable tasks to build some quick momentum. Because momentum is what amplifies motivation, making most tasks progressively easier and more rewarding.

And as your motivation grows due to momentum, you’ll even find larger tasks more achievable and yourself steadily more unstoppable.

Today’s Suggestion:

The next time you don’t feel like doing something you know you should do, identify one tiny, easy action you can take that will move you closer to that something.

For example, take a short walk to eventually lose weight, learn five new words to eventually improve in a foreign language, or organize a single drawer to eventually tidy up your whole house.

Whatever your chosen action, once you’ve identified it, go and do it. Then see how it feels.

Today’s Resource:

How To Find And Sustain Motivation After A Breakup — a complete guide to finding and sustaining a stable and durable stream of motivation after a breakup, even on your worst days.

New This Week:

Product updates. Mainly for my flagship course, The Radical Re-Attraction Course.

With hours of exclusive video and written content + a private community and coaching, this course walks you through every step of getting back with an ex.

If you were ever on the fence about giving it a try, now’s the perfect time. Because for the next 24 hours, I’m offering a sexy 45% discount.

Click here to take advantage of this exclusive sale.

As always, feel free to reply to this email and let me know what you think. While I can’t respond to everyone, I do read everything.

Until next time,

Max Jancar

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