Do You Still Have A Chance With Your Ex?
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A Weekly Email To Help You Unfuck Yourself Post-Breakup

Every Monday I send out an email with one idea, suggestion, and resource to help you break through your breakup and create a new possibility for love. Enter your email to join the newsletter.

Do You Still Have A Chance With Your Ex?

By Max Jancar | Published: July 29, 2024 | 2 Minute Read

As part of my newsletter, The Breakthrough Letter, every week I send out a short email with one idea, one suggestion, and one resource to help you break through your breakup and create a new possibility for love, either with your ex or someone new.

Here’s this week’s edition. Enjoy.

Today’s Idea:

Wondering if you still have a chance with your ex is common, but it’s important to approach this question thoughtfully.

The truth is, exes do sometimes come back, but it’s not always guaranteed. Studies show that only about 32% of exes reconcile, and only a portion of those relationships last.

The key isn’t just hoping they’ll return but focusing on self-care and improving yourself through addressing the issues that led to the breakup in the first place.

Today’s Suggestion:

Instead of fixating on whether you still have a future with your ex or not, shift your focus to self-care and improvement. Work on becoming the best version of yourself, for yourself.

Specifically for this week, try to get yourself to take up a few new hobbies, invest more in your career, or nurture one of your friendships. See how really committing to something unrelated to your ex feels.

This approach not only makes you more attractive but also ensures you’re happy and fulfilled regardless of your ex’s return. Besides, it’s giving your ex space and moving forward with your life that often paradoxically increases the chances of reconciliation.

Today’s Resource:

30 Glaring Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back — valuable insights into behaviors that might indicate your ex is still interested. Plus tips and advice on how to maximize your chances of reconciliation through self-care and improvement. Fun stuff!

As always, feel free to reply to this email and let me know what you think. While I can’t respond to everyone, I do read everything.

Until next time,

Max Jancar

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A Weekly Email To Help You Unfuck Yourself Post-Breakup

Every Monday I send out an email with one idea, suggestion, and resource to help you break through your breakup and create a new possibility for love. Enter your email to join the newsletter.

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