The Real Reason Why Your Ex Is Cold And How To Warm Them Up
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The Real Reason Why Your Ex Is Cold And How To Warm Them Up

By Max Jancar | Jul 31, 2024 | In: Ex-Back

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Why is my ex so cold and heartless? Why is my ex so distant and aloof? They’ve never acted this way when we were together. It’s like they’re a completely different person now. I can hardly recognize them!

Sound familiar?

When my ex first became this way, I was utterly baffled. How could the affectionate and loving person who once adored me now show such apparent indifference? I had no clue what I had done to cause this shift and didn’t see it coming at all.

Naturally, I did what most people do in this situation: I asked my ex what the hell was wrong. When their answers didn’t satisfy me, I kept asking. Then I started begging, pleading, and begging some more.

In hindsight, I realize my biggest mistake wasn’t the begging and pleading — it was something far more critical…

Whether you saw it coming or it hit you out of the blue, you’re likely left wondering: how did it get to this point? Is your ex still the same person you once loved? How did they transform from warm and carefree to cold, guarded, or even hostile?

In this article, I’ll tackle these questions and more. Stay with me until the end, and I’ll also explain what steps to take to give yourself the best chance of warming up your ex and mending your relationship.

Ready? Let’s dive in.

What Qualifies As Acting Cold?

Sometimes, it seems that everyone has their own take on what “cold” means, so the first thing we need to agree on to avoid confusion is a singular definition.

Here’s one I came up with:

Acting cold is acting in a way where a person shows little-to-no emotions — in particular, affection — which causes them to appear unfriendly, insensitive, and unsympathetic.

Now when your ex starts acting cold, it can seem deliberate and harsh. But at its core, it’s often a way for them to shield themselves in situations where they feel vulnerable.

Let me put it another way. Your ex uses coldness as a defense mechanism, protecting them from further emotional pain that could be caused by opening up to you.

But what do cold behaviors actually look like? Well, here are some common manifestations:

With the definitions, explanations, and examples out of the way, let’s talk about the “why.”

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Why Is Your Ex Cold In The First Place?

Cold behaviors can arise from various reasons depending on whether your relationship was short-term (less than six months) or long-term (six months or more).

In short-term relationships, the death knell usually boils down to one of three things:

1. You came on too strong. It’s important to let your ex come to you at a pace they’re comfortable with. When you come on too strong, too soon, you can come across as needy, boring, or controlling. Boring people are usually ignored. Needy and controlling people are the ones who get the cold shoulder, because needy and controlling are both threatening. And coldness, as stated previously, is fundamentally a defense mechanism to protect against threats.

2. Your ex lost interest. And then used cold behavior to push you away. It’s not personal, even if it feels that way. Your ex’s coldness is simply a signal to move on.

3. Another person (or one of their exes) is in the picture. And your ex may be acting cold in order to protect their new relationship (see: rebound relationships). After all, being stuck in a love triangle, regardless of which position you’re in, is a pain in the ass.

Now while your ex’s coldness in short-term relationships is easy to diagnose, it’s a whole different bag of burritos under the good for long-term relationships.

It’s just not as simple as them acting cold because they’re, say, not interested. While it is possible they’re not interested in being with you anymore, it’s more likely that your ex is acting cold because of one or more of the following reasons:

If you noticed, all of these reasons tie back to the key theme I mentioned earlier: your ex is feeling vulnerable. Why? Usually because of something you did or kept doing. Cold behavior is a defensive behavior, after all. And like any defensive behavior, it often comes from a place of avoiding hurt.

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How To Get To The Bottom Of Your Ex’s Cold Behaviors?

For one, take a few minutes and answer this: did you do anything to hurt your ex? Seriously, stop whatever you’re doing and think about it.

Maybe you lied to them. Maybe you cheated. Maybe you didn’t listen to them when you should. Perhaps you tried to trick or force them into doing something they didn’t want to do. Did you take advantage of them? Promised anything you couldn’t deliver? Took them for granted? Hell, maybe you were just an inconsiderate asshole to them.

In the unlikely case that you were a complete saint and none of this applies to you, it’s still possible your ex is feeling vulnerable based on their past experiences with other people or childhood trauma.

But here’s the kicker: none of this means that what your ex is doing is cold. It is possible that what you see as “cold” is actually just them putting some healthy boundaries in place. And there is a major difference between your ex acting cold and setting healthy boundaries.

Let’s unpack the distinction.

Healthy boundaries: these are well-defined, explicit, and communicated with respect. If your ex politely requests space after the breakup and makes it clear they don’t want to reconcile, they are setting a healthy boundary. Same story if they, for instance, specify certain times when communication is acceptable or request that you both only interact through a mutual friend; these are also examples of healthy boundaries.

Acting cold-hearted: in this case, your ex may tell you that they need space in a vague, indirect way, or give you what you interpret as mixed signals. For example, they may continue to talk to you, but only give you one-word answers. Or they might act normal the entire time, only to suddenly disappear without explanation.

As nebulous as this topic sometimes is, it’s vital to differentiate between setting boundaries and merely acting cold. Recognizing this difference helps you not only understand your ex’s mindset but also accurately gauge their attraction for you.

Now if you do find out your ex is in fact, simply cold, that’s good news. Because with the right approach, reconciliation might be possible.

On the other hand, if your ex is merely setting healthy boundaries, then they’re likely trying to move on. Hence, you should drop any expectations of them returning and try to move on yourself.

How Did My Ex Go From Warm To Cold So Quickly?

It can be incredibly confusing and hurtful when your ex suddenly becomes cold. The shift can feel abrupt and inexplicable, leaving you wondering what the hell went wrong.

However, this change is rarely as sudden as it appears. I mean, no one wakes up and decides to break up with their partner on a whim.

Even though it feels like that’s what happened, it’s likely your ex was just unhappy in your relationship for weeks, months, or even years before they made the decision to leave you. And by the time they decided to end things, they had likely been grappling with their feelings for quite some time.

This internal struggle means your ex had a head start on processing their emotions and rationalizing their decision to break up with you. So their preparatory period allowed them to mentally and emotionally distance themselves from you and the relationship and grieve the whole thing, which can explain the coldness you perceive.

From your perspective, the transition from warmth to coldness seems sudden because you weren’t privy to their internal deliberations. You were still operating within the relationship’s framework, unaware of the brewing dissatisfaction.

But when the breakup finally happened, it was a culmination of their prolonged internal conflict, not a spur-of-the-moment decision. Even if it sometimes feels that way.

To learn more about this subject, consider reading: Why Your Ex Moved On Quickly And How To Respond.

How Long Until Your Ex Stops Acting Cold?

Cold behavior is often temporary and usually stops when they stop feeling vulnerable — a.k.a, able to be hurt emotionally (or even physically). How long is that going to take to happen? Well, it depends…

I know, I know. Everyone hates that answer.

But look, I get it. It hurts to see them treat you like you mean nothing. And it’s normal to wonder if they’re going to be cold and distant forever.

I get asked this question a lot, and if you’re asking it as well… you’re probably determined to get back with your ex. That, and you’re hoping to get some closure as well.

But at your core, you hope that doing one or both of these things will help you deal with the gnawing ache you feel deep down, which I know that part of you is worried will never go away. So you need to find out how long to wait before you can contact your ex again.

Fair enough.

If I told you that you only had to wait a month before they stopped acting cold, you’d probably spend a month waiting with bated breath to contact them. The only problem is that you’d be in the same place. You would still be dependent on them to move forward with your life.

Does that sound like a good strategy? Of course not. Not for your mental health, not for re-attraction. If what you are really searching for is relief from that emptiness and hurt you feel inside, waiting on your ex is not the answer.

If you want to feel better and get them back, you have to let them go and move forward with your life. You must live as though they’re never coming back.

Because if you fail to do this and spend the next few months just focusing on them and waiting for them, you’re going to be in the same place. Stuck. Unhappy. Suffering. Lonely.

So instead of asking yourself, “How long should I wait?” ask, “What’s my next step to moving forward with my life? Getting my social life in order? Getting my career back on track? Getting fit and healthy?”

Think about it, then get to work. Participate in your own rescue. Focus on self-improvement while leaving the door open for your ex to walk back in if they so choose. That way, you’ll be happy and confident even if you never hear from them again.

How To Get Your Ex To Warm Up To You Again?

Whether you were in a short or a long-term relationship, there is still hope that you will be able to get back with your ex. Here’s what I would do.

First, you must stop contacting them immediately (see: the no contact rule). I don’t care what your excuse is. I don’t care if they haven’t given you closure yet. Stop contacting your ex. This is crucial because it allows both of you to gain some emotional distance and clarity. It also prevents you from saying or doing something that might push them further away.

However, there is an exception here: logistical matters. If you, for instance, share pets, have kids, or live together, you need to communicate about these things.

But even then, keep your conversations short and to the point. And make sure you talk exclusively about the pressing issues and end the conversation as soon as you reach some agreement or a mutually suitable decision.

Second, you need to get to the bottom of why your ex is treating you the way they’re treating you. Because understanding the root cause of their coldness can provide valuable insights into their feelings and behavior.

So for starters, reflect on your actions. As I pointed out earlier, consider if any of your actions may have contributed to your ex’s cold behavior. Were there specific incidents that might have hurt them or made them feel unappreciated or unloved?

It’s also possible your ex is treating you this way because of past relationships, trauma, or a combination of the two. Recognizing these factors can help you empathize with their position and avoid repeating the same mistakes. So think about this, too!

Third, you need to decide that you are moving on with your life without them. I can’t stress how important this is. You can’t be one foot in, one foot out on this stuff. Commit to improving yourself and your life independent of your ex.

Here are some areas to focus on first:

Last, when your ex reaches out about something personal that indicates interest, be sure you set a definite date. The same applies if your ex is receptive after you express your desire to reconcile prior to their reach-out.

How do you set one? Here’s a complete guide on it, but to give a quick summary:

  1. Start with a short conversation and suggest meeting up early in the exchange.
  2. If your ex agrees, finalize a time and place and discuss any other details you believe are necessary.
  3. If they don’t commit, end the conversation and return to no contact.
  4. If they give a non-committal answer, suggest rescheduling and wait for their response.
  5. If they remain unsure or unenthusiastic about going out with you, go back to no contact.

In short, you want your ex to be fully willing and ready to rekindle things. Otherwise, reconciliation just isn’t worth pursuing.

Ultimately, though, make the commitment to yourself and strive for having someone in your life who loves you and doesn’t treat you coldly. If it’s not going to be your ex, it will eventually be someone else.

You must have the self-respect to terminate the re-attraction process if your ex isn’t willing and able to give you the warmth and affection you desire.

Need More Ex-Back Help?

  • The Re-Attraction Cheat Sheet: free guide revealing my entire approach for getting an ex back — from start to finish.
  • From The Inside Out: the honest, no-BS book that's helped thousands reunite with their ex while staying true to themselves.
  • The Radical Re-Attraction Course: shows you how to master re-attraction. Includes hours of video and written content + downloads and exercises + a community and coaching.

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