Why Your Ex Moved On Quickly And How To Best Respond
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Why Your Ex Moved On Quickly And How To Best Respond

By Max Jancar | Sep 20, 2024 | In: Ex-Back

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If your ex moved on quickly — perhaps even started dating someone else already — they’ve probably been plotting and reflecting about breaking up with you for weeks before they actually pulled the plug.

It’s throughout this “mulling period” that they got over you. After all, they had plenty of time to mourn your relationship and relinquish any intense emotional attachment for you.

To wrench the knife even deeper, your ex likely hinted that they’re disengaging or that you’re doing something that keeps turning them off. Perhaps they even outright told you these things and tried to help you turn your relationship around.

After five years of helping people with breakups, I’ve seen this pattern time and time again.

Your ex practically never moves on quickly. It only feels that way because they kicked off the process while you were still together, when you still had intense feelings for them — feelings often so intoxicating they blinded you to their hints, their efforts to help, and their gradual decline in attraction. That is, until it was already too late.

But perhaps it’s not over yet. Read on to understand what really influences how fast your ex moves on — and how you can revive their lost attraction and ultimately mend your relationship.

Reasons Your Ex Moves On Faster Than Usual

1. Your Ex’s Support System

A support system is a group of friends, family members, and peers that a person trusts and feels safe with and who will actively listen to their concerns, share heartfelt advice, and consistent well… support.

The theory goes that if your ex has a strong support system in place, they may get the emotional backing they need to process the breakup faster.

Tangential to support systems, however, therapy and self-help also play a big role in your ex’s moving on process. In fact, they can both serve as their own forms of support systems. After all, like with any support system, your ex can find reassurance from a therapist and inspiration from a self-help expert.

And the more your ex relies on these things — so the more therapy they get and the self-help material they consume — the more likely they are to have equipped themselves with potent emotional tools for moving on.

2. Your Ex’s Attachment Style

A person can embody one of four attachment styles: anxious, avoidant, disorganized, and secure. For relevancy’s sake, I’ll focus exclusively on the first two since they’re most common. For a deep dive into all four, however, refer to my article on attachment styles.

The anxious is someone who can’t help but seek validation and approval from others and tries to control everything and everyone. As you’d expect, this is the person who usually has the toughest time moving on.

Whereas the avoidant is a person afraid of intimacy and emotional closeness, who has a high need for independence. This is someone who usually has fewer problems moving on due to their solitary nature.

3. Your Ex’s Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) plays a huge role in how quickly someone can move on after a breakup. It’s made up of five key elements: self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, motivation, and social skills.

In essence, the higher your ex’s emotional intelligence, the quicker they moved on — they had the tools to manage their emotions and transition into the next phase of their life, whether it’s being single or dating someone new.

On the flip side, if they have low emotional intelligence, they’re more likely to remain stuck, struggling to process the breakup and delaying the moving-on process.

4. Your Ex’s Rebound Relationship

Rebounds often provide temporary relief from the emotional pain of a breakup, creating the illusion that your ex has fully moved on. But in reality, these relationships are often fragile and short-lived.

Mainly because a rebound can serve several toxic purposes for your ex:

The key thing to remember about rebounds is that while they might appear to move fast, they’re usually not built to last. Many rebounders eventually come face to face with unresolved emotions from their previous relationship — meaning, despite appearances, your ex may not have moved on as thoroughly as it seems.

5. Your Neediness Level

Neediness is a measurement of how you prioritize your self-perception compared to your ex’s perception of you. The more you prioritize how your ex perceives you, the needier you are. The more you prioritize how you perceive yourself, the non-needier you are.

Okay, but how do you measure neediness? By observing your behavior. Are you:

These behaviors are all solid indicators of neediness. And the higher your neediness, the more you probably frustrate your ex, making them move on faster.

6. The State Of Your Relationship

Was your relationship toxic? You know, cheating, lying, codependency, emotional or physical abuse… those kinds of things.

Was your relationship boring? Were you and your ex more like roommates than an actual couple? Have you rarely dated, courted, and fucked each other?

Was your relationship long-distance? Meaning, were you unable to see each other more than, roughly speaking, once a month?

These things determine the state of your relationship. So if yours was toxic, boring, long-distance, or a combination of any of the three, there’s a good chance it helped your ex move on faster than they would if you had a healthy, exciting, and non-long-distance relationship.

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Hints Your Ex Gave You Before They Moved On “Quickly”

As I alluded to at the beginning of this article, your ex probably gave you plenty of hints that their attraction was declining before the breakup. Here are some of the most common ones to pay better attention to next time.

Many people think their ex is a bitch or an asshole for simply not coming out and telling them, “Hey fuckface, you’re losing me. Step up to the plate and do something about it.”

But here’s the reality…

Either your ex already told you something like this, but you haven’t been paying attention, or they believed you just didn’t have what it takes to get yourself together and handle a call-out, so they remained quiet.

Beware: one exception to the above is toxic exes. A toxic ex usually won’t directly call out your relationship problems or be too eager to help square them. Instead, they’ll opt for finding backups behind your back and, at worst, cheating on you head-on.

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How To Mend Your Relationship After Your Ex Moved On

Let’s start with some important things to avoid:

On the flip side, let’s talk about what you should be doing to turn around your relationship.

If this all sounds a bit vague, that’s because it is. So here are some additional guides that go deeper into these bullet points, if you’re interested:

Onward to some final thoughts.

Your Ex Moving On Doesn’t Mean They Don’t Feel Anything For You

The odds of your ex coming back aren’t in your favor. They never were, and whoever tells you otherwise is probably trying to sell you some bullshit.

However, maybe — just maybe — your ex still feels something for you. And it would be a shame if you’d chase after them right now and try to force yourself back into their life. If you’re not in touch already, this behavior will only turn push them away from you.

Because pushing yourself back into your ex’s life while they’re trying to move on only reinforces their decision to leave. It confirms that you haven’t changed and are still the same person they chose to walk away from. This is why giving them space is so damn critical.

So let your ex figure out if rekindling your relationship is something they’re up for on their own. Yes, even if they’re dating someone new — hell, especially if they’re dating someone new.

Besides, if they really are dating someone else, that still doesn’t guarantee they’ve completely moved on. However, whether or not they’re thinking about you is not something you can control.

By maintaining your distance and focusing on your own growth, you give them the opportunity to reflect on what they may have lost — but more importantly, you ensure you’re creating a better version of yourself, regardless of the outcome.

Need More Ex-Back Help?

  • The Re-Attraction Cheat Sheet: free guide revealing my entire approach for getting an ex back — from start to finish.
  • From The Inside Out: the honest, no-BS book that's helped thousands reunite with their ex while staying true to themselves.
  • The Radical Re-Attraction Course: shows you how to master re-attraction. Includes hours of video and written content + downloads and exercises + a community and coaching.

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