Creating Peace: How To Cope With Missing Your Ex
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A Weekly Email To Help You Unfuck Yourself Post-Breakup

Every Monday I send out an email with one idea, suggestion, and resource to help you break through your breakup and create a new possibility for love. Enter your email to join the newsletter.

Creating Peace: How To Cope With Missing Your Ex

By Max Jancar | Published: July 15, 2024 | 2 Minute Read

As part of my newsletter, The Breakthrough Letter, every week I send out a short email with one idea, one suggestion, and one resource to help you break through your breakup and create a new possibility for love, either with your ex or someone new.

Here’s this week’s edition. Enjoy.

Today’s Idea:

Missing your ex is a natural part of the breakup process. It’s an emotional response that signifies the end of something significant and meaningful in your life.

Instead of fighting these feelings or seeing them as a sign of weakness, acknowledge and embrace them. Because resisting them only prolongs your pain. While accepting them, alleviates it.

Today’s Suggestion:

Take a few minutes this week to sit with your feelings of missing your ex. Simply, let them be.

When done, write down somewhere what in particular you miss about your ex and the relationship. Then continue listing aspects that you don’t miss, perhaps those unhealthy or unfulfilling. Last, soak in whatever you’ve written.

My hope is that this tiny exercise will help you construct a more balanced and realistic perspective about your ex and your relationship. Because when such a perspective pops up, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll be relieved of at least a fraction of your longing.

After all, one of the more common reasons people miss their ex is that they only ruminate about the positive aspects of the relationship while overlooking the negative.

Today’s Resource:

I Miss My Ex: Why You Miss Them And 15 Powerful Solutions — a definitive guide on how to stop missing your ex — or at least how you can miss them less — even if you’re going nuts right now.

As always, feel free to reply to this email and let me know what you think. While I can’t respond to everyone, I do read everything.

Until next time,

Max Jancar

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A Weekly Email To Help You Unfuck Yourself Post-Breakup

Every Monday I send out an email with one idea, suggestion, and resource to help you break through your breakup and create a new possibility for love. Enter your email to join the newsletter.

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