
Save $30 with a 45% discount today on The Radical Re-Attraction Course!

My Course Is Not A Miracle Cure And It Won’t Magically Get You To Reunite With Your Ex

But it will give you a damn good shot. And, based on 1000+ satisfied customers, it’s the best shot you’ll ever get.

Sign Up Now 45% Off

One time payment only. 60-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked.

If you’re on this page looking for a quick and easy way to get back with your ex, please click away. Re-attraction doesn’t have such solutions — and whoever tells you otherwise is selling you bullshit.

According to a survey of 4534 participants, aged 18 to 55, I conducted between January 2023 and April 2024, only 32% of exes get back together. Of these, roughly 18% have stayed together for over a year after reconciling.

Now that I’ve dumped a bucket of ice-cold water on your re-attraction aspirations, here’s what you can do: by applying a few select re-attraction principles, you can position yourself among the fortunate 18%.

You’ve read that right.

With the right knowledge and the ability to apply it well, you can maximize your chances of reuniting with your ex. And not just in any relationship, but one that’s healthy, happy, and with solid potential of lasting.

If that’s something you’d like to try, my Radical Re-Attraction Course will help you pull it off.

Based on decades of attraction research and my 5+ years of experience helping people get back with their ex, this course offers a comprehensive roadmap for every phase of the re-attraction journey, cutting out the confusion and guesswork.

However, unlike most ex-back courses, The Radical Re-Attraction Course won’t encourage you to get back with your ex through texting templates and canned responses, playing hard to get, acting indifferent, or deploying some dumb ninja tricks.

Instead, my course encourages you to re-attract your ex through investing in yourself and developing a more magnetic, attractive identity.

On the one hand, because relying on fake behaviors, manipulation, or games always blows up in your face in the long term. On the other, because it’s not what you say or do that matters when getting your ex back. It’s who you become that matters — what you stand for, represent, and embody.

Put differently, it’s not about acting attractive that gets your ex back; it’s about actually becoming attractive that gets them back. And this course will help you become attractive — remarkably attractive.

When You Sign Up For The Radical Re-Attraction Course You Will Also Learn:

Course Design And Curriculum

The Radical Re-Attraction Course is a series of video lessons with hand-edited, article-like transcriptions underneath each one, as well as occasional downloads.

Each lesson presents various concepts, theories, or ideas, and then at the end of the lesson, you are given an exercise to carry out. These exercises are largely based on writing, reflecting, and actually going out into the world and trying something.

Here’s an overview of the course contents:

Module 1: Fundamentals

Module 2: First Steps And Calibration

Module 3: Dating And Escalating

Module 4: Re-Commitment And Beyond

Included: Community With Weekly Live Q&A Calls And 1-On-1 Coaching

The Radical Re-Attraction Course is more than just a course. It’s an entire interactive learning environment.

Once you sign up, you also get free lifetime access to an exclusive community where you can discuss breakups, reconciliations, self-help, etc. You can also get other members and me to keep you accountable and you can solicit people, including myself, for advice, opinions, and feedback.

In this community, I also host weekly live Q&A calls where you can ask me anything and get real-time, tailored advice. These calls will be recorded, so you can re-watch them anytime, even if you don’t attend.

Finally, know that you are welcome to join this free community and participate in our live calls using any name you choose. Your anonymity and privacy are fully guaranteed.

So if the idea of a supportive and interactive approach to helping you get back with your ex sounds good, you’ll love our community.

Useful Bonuses That You’ll Adore

On top of the course lessons and community, you’ll also receive these goodies:

1. 5 Mindsets For Ex-Back Success

A video lesson going over some crucial yet underrated mindsets that you should adopt around re-attraction so you can approach your ex in a more, well… attractive way.

2. 22 Common Ex-Back Mistakes To Avoid

A video lesson where I go over 22 of the most common (yet often subtle) ex-back mistakes people keep making that you should avoid at all costs. You’re probably making at least two of them, so don’t skip this resource.

3. 4 Stages Of Reconciliation

A video lesson explaining the four stages your ex must go through before they’ll ever be ready to get back together with you and how to navigate them.

4. The Build A Better Life System

A video lesson unveiling how to evaluate your life and make the necessary changes to get to where you want to be. This way you not only feel less lost and directionless post-breakup, but also become happier, more confident, and attractive.

5. The Atypical Re-Attraction Blueprint

A guide explaining how to get back with an ex under atypical circumstances like when there’s infidelity involved, when you broke up a long time ago, when you live or work together, when you have kids or pets, when you’re long-distance, when your ex is in a rebound, and more.

6. The Healthy Relationships Masterclass

A guide on staying together with an ex post-mend. Some things you’ll learn inside: how to rebuild trust and respect, turn a toxic relationship healthy, resolve arguments, set healthy boundaries, and turn around your relationship if your partner starts losing feelings again.

7. The Breakup Recovery Manual

A 70+ page workbook filled with short and simple exercises that will help you emotionally heal from your breakup so you can interact with your ex more calmly and confidently — and, therefore, more attractively.

8. The Re-Attraction Cheat Sheet

A downloadable cheat sheet with quick information about every step of getting an ex back: how to reach out, become more attractive, handle no contact and dating, transition into and maintain a healthy relationship, etc.

9. 1-On-1 Coaching Discount Code

Specifically, a one time 20% discount on your first private coaching session with me, either through email or a call.

10. Exclusive Podcast Episodes

A regularly updated list of breakup-related podcast episodes I’ve been featured on that you can download and listen to on the go.

Backed By A 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

I’ve packed a lot into The Radical Re-Attraction Course because I truly want you to get back with your ex. But to make this deal a no-brainer, I’m also giving you a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee with your purchase.

So if you’re unhappy with the course for whatever reason, or you simply change your mind within 60 days of registration, email me, and I’ll refund you your money immediately and in full. No questions asked.

Take advantage of this limited-time offer of 45% off!

The Radical Re-Attraction Course includes hours of video, hundreds of pages of writing, an extensive library of downloads and actionable exercises, a slew of bonuses, and a community with weekly live Q&A calls and 1-on-1 coaching.

Regular Price: 67$

Only 37$ for permanent access. 60-day money-back guarantee. Click below.

Sign Up Now 45% Off

What Others Are Saying

All of these testimonials are pulled straight from our private community that you get access to for free once you sign up for The Radical Re-Attraction Course.

Following “The Radical Re-Attraction Course” has brought me to a better mind state than I would be without it. For me, the course is like having strong scaffolding while you work on yourself and more importantly getting yourself levelled up, and be better than you once were. — Simon G.

About 2 weeks later he brought up the ” I miss you” thing again. At first, I didn’t say anything, but then he adds, “I want to date you again.” I’ve been thinking about what we were and what we had and said that I’d like to date as well. He agreed. We became exclusive shortly after. (Update: Rita got back with her ex). — Rita S.

I’m slowly getting through the Re-Attraction Course, and while I did “fumble the football” when it came to no contact a week ago, I got my ex to say “yes” to a date with me. The date didn’t happen yet but I have a good feeling about it. She constantly keep reaching out. Working on my neediness really helped turn my situation around. I’m glad the course focuses so much on it. (Update: Jake also got his ex back). — Jake T.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: My Situation Is Unique. Will This Course Still Help?

​​Very likely since there is a 1-on-1 coaching aspect to this product. Also: the course has an ​entire lesson on getting an ex back under special circumstances like infidelity, having kids or pets, breaking up a long time ago, working or living together, being long-distance, ex being in a rebound, etc.

Q: What If I Can’t Make It To The Live Q&A Calls?

No worries. All the calls will be recorded and available to view afterward.

Q: How Much Access Do I Get To Max?

Probably more than you bargained for. I lead all our weekly Q&A calls and respond promptly to community posts.

Q: Should I Also Sign Up For The Radical Recovery Course?

Yes. The Radical Recovery Course helps you heal and grow more resilient, while The Radical Re-Attraction Course helps you improve your self-worth, overcome insecurities, and develop solid dating and relationship skills. Combine the knowledge from both courses, and you’ll be prepared to tackle most, if not all, of your post-breakup goals.

Q: Are The Payments Secure?

Yes. Your payment information will be transmitted over a fully secure (SSL) connection directly to the payment processor (Stripe or Paypal). Your payment information will never be stored on or even touch my servers.

Q: Can I Ask For My Money Back If I Don’t Like The Course?

Yes. If you’re unhappy with the course for whatever reason, or you simply change your mind within 60 days of registration, email me, and I’ll refund you your money immediately and in full. No questions asked.

Q: Is This Course All-Inclusive?

Yes. Whether you’re young or old, male or female, straight or part of the LGBTQ, this course is suitable for you. I made it relevant for virtually every sexual orientation, age group, and gender out there.

Q: Will This Course Work For All Types Of Relationships?

Probably, since there is a 1-on-1 coaching aspect to this product. That said, the course content itself will work best for any of these configurations: ex-wife/husband, ex-girlfriend/boyfriend, ex-fiancée/fiancé, short/long relationship, casual/committed relationship, long-distance relationship, on/off relationship, affair-based relationship, rebound relationship, first-love relationship, roommates relationship, situationship.

Take advantage of this limited-time offer of 45% off!

The Radical Re-Attraction Course includes hours of video, hundreds of pages of writing, an extensive library of downloads and actionable exercises, a slew of bonuses, and a community with weekly live Q&A calls and 1-on-1 coaching.

Regular Price: 67$

Only 37$ for permanent access. 60-day money-back guarantee. Click below.

Sign Up Now 45% Off