Hey there, it’s Max. Thank you for checking out my site. I’m an author, blogger, and internet entrepreneur from Slovenia. And I’ve been sharing self-help advice for the broken hearted since 2018.
The aim of my work is to help people heal and grow from a breakup and get into the best position to either re-attract their ex or attract someone completely new.
Until now, I’ve helped hundreds of coaching clients, had over 3000 book and course customers, and reached over 4 million people with my work in general.
I’ve also been published in many popular publications, including The Good Man Project, Thrive Global, Salon, OnlineDivorce, Better Advice, Better Humans, and Hello Love, among many others.
That being said, please don’t mistake me for a guru or an expert. I’m neither. I don’t have any certificates, I’m not a trained psychologist or therapist, and I have never even gone to college.
I’m just a guy who reads and researches a lot and then tries to simplify what he read and researched and communicate the information in an easy-to-understand way — usually with added toilet humor.
So don’t take what I write seriously. At least not too seriously.
What Makes My Work Different
I write breakup-tailored self-help advice for people who hate self-help advice. If there’s one way to describe my work, it’s unconventional. Many of my approaches to dealing with breakups and their aftermath are at odds with the traditional ones.
For those who want to heal and grow from the breakup: my approach rejects the usual “feel-good” fluff: no running from pain, no forced positivity, no indulging in unrealistic self-talk and other ‘brouhaha bullshit.’ Instead, I advocate for a path of learning from pain and negativity, accepting occasional unhappiness, and using empirically supported methods that actually work.
For those who want to re-attract an ex or attract someone new: my approach is based not on tricks, gimmicks, games, techniques, manipulation, fake behaviors, etc. But rather on honesty, vulnerability, and investing in oneself — the things that make you attractive without you trying to act attractive.
Where To Start
The best place would be with my free cheat sheets:
- The Recovery Cheat Sheet — shows you how to heal and grow from your breakup so you can eventually feel like yourself again and create a solid opportunity for love (with your ex or someone new).
- The Re-Attraction Cheat Sheet — lays out a simple yet potent approach to mending a relationship step by step — one rooted in brutal honesty that respects both your dignity and that of your ex.
Both of these cheat sheets come with a bunch of bonus downloads you’ll actually use, as well as free email courses and other helpful goodies.
You can also read my articles, listen to narrated versions within each one, or watch my videos on YouTube.
And if you like what you see and want to go deeper, consider buying one of my books, courses, or coaching offers.